In this section:
See also:
Your pension is a taxable income and the rate at which you pay tax is determined by HMRC. The tax you pay depends on many factors such as other income, your age and your marital status. If you have a query relating to the tax code that HMRC have issued, please contact the tax office, quoting the reference shown and your National Insurance number.
Camden | Merton | Richmond | Waltham Forest | Wandsworth | |
Reference | 120/LB2 | 120/LB22 | 120/B24 | 120/LB13 | 845/LLB10A |
If the tax code shown on your payslip is different to the tax code that HMRC have issued to you, please wait six weeks after the date on your latest HMRC communication before contacting us. The HMRC notification may have missed the Payroll cut off and be applied from the next month. If the new tax code has not been received, we will have to refer you back to HMRC.
Further information about Income Tax can be found on GOV.UK.
You can set up a Personal Tax Account at GOV.UK. You will need to have your mobile phone to hand for verification and a recent payslip to answer some questions. Once your account is set up, you will be able to check your tax code and income tax estimate.
The Payroll Service will send you a P60 at the end of each tax year, usually in April. This will show the total pension the Council has paid you and the amount of tax (if any) that has been deducted in that year. You must keep this P60 safe as it may be required for tax purposes and the Payroll Service does not produce duplicates.
Contacting HMRC
Call HMRC for help with questions about Income Tax, including:
- PAYE coding notices
- Marriage Allowance
- Changing your personal details
Have your National Insurance number with you when you phone.
- Telephone: 030 0200 3300
- Textphone: 030 0200 3319
- Outside UK: +44 135 535 9022
Phone lines are less busy before 10am, Monday to Friday and less busy on Sundays.
Opening times
Monday to Friday: 8am to 8pm
Saturday: 8am to 4pm
Sunday: 9am to 5pm
Closed on bank holidays.
Postal address
Write to HMRC at this address for all Income Tax queries:
Pay As You Earn and Self AssessmentHM Revenue and Customs
United Kingdom